In the comic series, the titular Scott Pilgrim must win the affection of his girlfriend, Ramona Flowers, by fighting off her seven “evil exes.” The game follows the same basic plot, with seven levels that each culminates in a throwdown against an ex (and one more self-reflective showdown with Scott’s own doppelganger). The source material lends itself particularly well to that genre. the World: The Game is easy to explain: it’s a beat-’em-up style side-scroller that deliberately harks back to retro titles such as Streets of Rage.

Though, like its source material, the signs of aging are hard to avoid in 2021. the World: The Game - Complete Edition is a fun, but light, trip down memory lane for fans of the franchise. While it’s been outclassed by similarly styled games the past decade, Scott Pilgrim vs. By bringing the game back in 2021, players no longer have to rely on their fond memories to keep it alive, for better or worse. No one has been able to buy it in over a decade, triggering conversations about proper game preservation all while giving it an air of mystique that’s kept the game dear in players’ hearts. Originally released in 2010, Ubisoft abruptly delisted the game from online marketplaces in 2014 due to licensing issues. Now he's locked away on consoles that have already purchased him, slapping the same bad guys over and over again with his three buddies, never to see a fresh face again.Fans of the game have dreamed of this moment for years. Poor Scott probably wanted to punch his way through his ladyfriend's evil exes through all eternity, until a bunch of suits got in the way.

As of writing this article, European fans can still purchase the game on both platforms, though that deal won't last forever, either. Best Buys and Game Stops are still selling download codes for the game, though I've no clue if they still work or not. If you've already purchased the game or DLC, you can redownload it at your leisure. The critically acclaimed beat'em'up isn't the result of a lawsuit or anything so dramatic: the Scott Pilgrim licenses have expired on previous gen platforms, rendering the main game and DLC unavailable for purchase in North America. The World on the Xbox Live Arcade and PSN. This week's casualty is Scott Pilgrim vs. Games vanish for a variety of reasons, ranging from servers getting yanked offline to some shady legal dealings, ie Too Human. There comes a time where we must say farewell to beloved titles.