Northern Europe: A North European subsection of the grand campaign. Iberian Peninsular: An enlarged subsection of the Iberian Peninsula from the Grand Campaign. Tyronia: A unique fictional custom campaign map containing 17 playable factions including the aztecs, mongols, timurids, papal_states and rebels. Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements: Various Kingdoms bug fixes and improvements. Hotseat Multiplayer: Hotseat multiplayer campaigns available in the front end menu. Campaign AI Tweaks: AI factions prefer to attack factions as part of win conditions. AI Unit Recruitment tweaks: AI recruits more varies and/or balanced campaign armies. Unit rebalancing: Rebalancing of costs and battle stats for various units. 4 Additional custom battle maps: New custom and multiplayer battle maps available (Backwoods, Borderlands, Forts, Trenches). Boiling Oil: Gates in cities and castles have boiling oil defences.

AI Support Armies: Provides the option to issue orders to Allied AI armies or your own reinforcing armies. Installer: The mod is packaged with an easy to use installer for computers with a valid installation of M2TW: Kingdoms. Kingdoms Units: Some of the Kingdoms units have been added including the Greek Firethrower, Mangonels and Spaish Dragoons. Tech Tree Rebalancing: Campaign recruitment has been significantly rebalanced, nearly all faction units are recruitable (including generals) and upkeep costs have been approximately halved. Historical and Multiplayer Scenario Battles: The historical and multiplayer scenario battles from Medieval II: Total War have been modified to unlock all battle maps and factions for both single and multiplayer. Custom Campaign Maps: 8 Custom campaigns have been created and can be accessed from the single player and hotseat multiplayer front end menu. Retrofit Mod: Adds many common features, fixes and improvements from Kingdoms including AI support armies, boiling oil, additional battle maps and hotseat multiplayer. The major features of the Custom Campaign Mod 2 are: It includes all changes and content from the Retrofit Mod and the original Custom Campaign Mod with additional content, fixes, tweaks and improvements. The Custom Campaign Mod 2 adds additional gameplay and content for Medieval II Total War (M2TW): Kingdoms. It includes a couple of smaller campaigns and a grand campaign, as well as some balancing.Ģ.3 HISTORICAL AND MULTIPLAYER SCENARIO BATTLES The Custom Campaign 2 mod brings hotseats to the next level.