Download Battlefield 2 Mod - Single Player 64 Maps - A much needed mini mod for. Still, if you want to direct connect to someone over the internet, everyone has to have the same files installed and any differences will prevent connection. Battlefield 2 singleplayer maps Battlefield 2 Maps Free Download. Granted at this point not much online going on, since Gamespy rolled over. The one I recommended installs separately. Most mods installed are installed separate from the core game and do not break/disable online play. Installing mods are easy and will not break your online play. :\ Another way is to find and download the individual maps themselves with added larger navmeshes, but this will probably disable the online. Mainly since GameSpy Shutdown & regular SP. Unless you want to open a 3D editing program, grab the BF2 Editor and create 3D navmeshes for all the maps yourself (instead of using the navmeshes other people have already done for you). Yeah, its just a mod that adds 32 & 64 size maps to single player & Co-Op, like BF1942 style. There is no way to open more map sizes without using a mod that utilizes these navmeshes created for the larger area maps.

Ursprünglich geschrieben von EmersedKris:any other ways to do this ? Bots navigate maps using 3D meshes called a "navmesh." The default game only came with them for the 16 player sizes, and not even all the maps.